скайрим мод expressive facegen morphs

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Выразительные и улучшенные морфы головы | Expressive Facegen Morphs

Этот мод заменяет морфы для создания персонажей человека и эльфа обоих полов и добавляет больше ползунков в меню создания персонажа.
Мод улучшит качество создания персонажей с помощью ванильных мешей и повысит удобство использования меню Racemenu.
Исправляет меш головы ГГ Вампира, добавлены вампирские клыки, которые можно добавить и ГГ не являющимся вампиром. Исправлена ошибка пропадающих глаз ГГ.
Целевые расы: норды, имперцы, бретонцы, редгарды, старики, высокие эльфы, темные эльфы, лесные эльфы и дремора.

Этот мод предназначен для игрока и не влияет на NPC.
Обычно лица NPC используют готовые меши и не генерируются в реальном времени.

Не устанавливайте Enhanced Female Head Mesh, Eyes AO Clipping Fix и подобные моды при использовании основного файла EFM.
Основной файл EFM включает меш зубов и текстуру, меш зубов данного мода не совместим с другими текстурами, потому что UV-карта была отредактирована так,
чтобы соответствовать включенной текстуре.

Насчёт макияжа:
Поскольку UV-карта меша головы исправлена, линия макияжа может быть искажена. Пожалуйста, поймите, что это результат исправлений ванильного меша,
поэтому текстура макияжа не растягивается настолько, насколько нужно.

Насчёт Вампиров:
Данный мод исправляет проблему, когда при обращении в вампира лицо главного героя деформировалось, больше не будет впалых щёк и изменения лица в целом.
В меш добавлены вампирские клыки, Вам больше не нужны моды на их добавление ГГ.

Данный мод создан для Racemenu и не будет работать с ECE.
Морфы в этом моде предназначены для ванильного меша головы.
Если Вы используете моды, которые заменяют морфы Charagen или Race, такие как EEO, используйте плагин EFM-Racemenu вместо основного файла.

Установка мода:
Racemenu требуется для использования всех функций, если вы его не используете, отключите Expressive Facegen Morphs.esp.

1. Основной файл » Expressive Facegen Morphs » предназначен для создания новых персонажей.
Файлы включают морфы Charagen и Race, дополнительные ползунки для Racemenu, сетки и т. д.
Пожалуйста, сделайте резервную копию ваших лиц (сохранения, пресеты, меши и т. д.) заранее, поскольку данный мод несовместим с существующими лицами и пресетами.

От автора мода:
Я использую машинный перевод.
Пожалуйста, не используйте сленг и т. д в сообщениях адресованных мне, пишите краткие предложения.
На скриншотах используется текстура кожи от bijin.
Пример До и После, без макияжа.


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Expressive Facegen Morphs

File information

Last updated

Original upload

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Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

This mod replaces the morphs for the vanilla human and elf character creations and adds a morph for Racemenu.

Nexus requirements

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

The permissions section has been made a little stricter as it is often ignored.
If there are any unclear points, please contact me.

Do not include EFM morph files (.tri) in your mods under any circumstances.
NPC mods (followers, NPC overhaul, etc.) do not need to include EFM morph files.
EFM’s mouth texture is from Fair Skin, please read Fair Skin’s permissions section if you want to use it.

please contact me in advance if you want to create a new file using EFM.
You don’t need to contact me, for Facegen meshes used by NPC mods (followers, NPC overhaul, etc.).

File credits

RaceMenu by Expired

Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Version 1.0

I use machine translation. Please do not use slang etc for messages addressed to me, please write concise sentences.

Morph files (.tri) are used to move each vertex of the target mesh and are used for character creation and facial expressions.
This mod replaces the morphs for human and elf character creation and adds more sliders to the Racemenu.
This will improve the quality of character creation with vanilla meshes and improve the usability of the Racemenu.
The target races are Nord, Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Elder, High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and Dremora.

The morphs in this mod are designed to be deformed smoothly and will not break the mesh structure even in complex combinations.
So you don’t have to worry about useless vertex editing, and it’s guaranteed to be compatible with Expressive Facial Animation.
The added Racemenu morph has a hyphenated name like «Lip-Height» and can be searched with «EFM».

This mod is for players and does not affect NPCs.
Basically NPC faces use pre-made meshes and are not generated in real time.

Racemenu is required to use all functions, if you don’t use it, please disable Expressive Facegen Morphs.esp.

The main file «Expressive Facegen Morphs» is for new presets.
This file contains the Charagen and Race morphs, additional Racemenu sliders, meshes, etc.
Please back up your face data (save, preset, mesh, etc.) in advance as it is not compatible with existing presets.

Please use mod manager to install this mod. Manual installation is not recommended.
This mod’s esp is an empty plugin so you don’t have to worry about the loading order, but be sure to enable it.
Be careful not to overwrite EFM morphs (.tri) with other mods, as file conflicts can cause clipping.

Читайте также:  скайрим сворачивается при запуске

Please delete or disable this mod. The face will be reconstructed with the morphs before installation.
If you have a preset that you backed up before installation, load it.

Expressive Facial Animation ( Female  / Male )
Bijin skin UNP and CBBE by rxkx22
Fine Face Textures for Men by urshi

This mod is for Racemenu and does not work with ECE.
The main file replaces Charagen and Race morphs, so it’s not compatible with existing faces and presets.
It is designed to work with the included meshes and morphs, so be careful of overwriting files.

The morphs in this mod are for vanilla head mesh, they don’t work with different meshes like Citrus Heads or High Poly Heads.
Currently there are no plans to support different meshes.

When using it with a mod that replaces Charagen or Race morphs such as EEO, use EFM-Racemenu Plugin instead of the main file.
It is possible to overwrite with the EFM main file, but clipping will occur if other mods have their own morph file.
If the other mods only use their own morphs, there is no conflict.

About Mesh
The mesh included in this mod is a vanilla mesh with UV maps and shader flags adjusted.

Do not install Enhanced Female Head Mesh, Eyes AO Clipping Fix and similar mods when using EFM main file.
The EFM main file includes a mouth mesh and texture, but if you want to use any other mouth mod, delete or disable the EFM file or overwrite it with another mod. The EFM mouth mesh does not match other textures because the UV map has been edited to match the included texture.

About Makeup
Since the UV map of the head mesh has been fixed, the thin line makeup may be broken.
Please understand that it is the result of considering deformation so that it is not stretched as much as possible.

About Vampire
Vampire morph face shape changes have been removed.
Vampire tooth morphs have been added instead.
Separately, a vampire morph for Racemenu has been added.
Therefore, you do not need a mod to make the same changes.

About Race MOD
Basic morph replacements may not be compatible with race mods. See compatibility above for reasons.
Morphs for the Racemenu will work if the mod uses a vanilla face mesh.
If you don’t see the Racemenu morph in the list, you need to register your race in Races.ini for this mod.
Data\meshes\actors\character\facegenmorphs\Expressive Facegen Morphs.esp\races.ini

Q : When I installed this mod, my preset was messed up.
The main file replaces Charagen and Race morphs so the presets will give different results.
Therefore, the main file is for new presets or presets that use them.
If you just want to add a slider to the Racemenu, use only EFM-Racemenu Pluguin.

Q : I want to reset the sculpt when creating a new preset.
Press the Z key on the sculpt screen.
The one selected in the checkbox at the right end of the head part pane is reset.

Q : Clipping occurred on the player’s eyebrows and beard.
In most cases, it is due to a file conflict with other mods, so please check.
If the mod’s eyebrows etc. refer to a unique morph, clipping will occur because the transformations do not match.
Also, sculpting may be the cause, check that the vertices of the eyebrows and face are not misaligned.


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Expressive Facegen Morphs

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Uploaded by

Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

This mod replaces the morphs for the vanilla human and elf character creations and adds a morph for Racemenu.

Nexus requirements

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

The permissions section has been made a little stricter as it is often ignored.
If there are any unclear points, please contact me.

Do not include EFM morph files (.tri) in your mods under any circumstances.
NPC mods (followers, NPC overhaul, etc.) do not need to include EFM morph files.
EFM’s mouth texture is from Fair Skin, please read Fair Skin’s permissions section if you want to use it.

please contact me in advance if you want to create a new file using EFM.
You don’t need to contact me, for Facegen meshes used by NPC mods (followers, NPC overhaul, etc.).

File credits

RaceMenu by Expired

Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Version 1.0

I use machine translation. Please do not use slang etc for messages addressed to me, please write concise sentences.

Morph files (.tri) are used to move each vertex of the target mesh and are used for character creation and facial expressions.
This mod replaces the morphs for human and elf character creation and adds more sliders to the Racemenu.
This will improve the quality of character creation with vanilla meshes and improve the usability of the Racemenu.
The target races are Nord, Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Elder, High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and Dremora.

The morphs in this mod are designed to be deformed smoothly and will not break the mesh structure even in complex combinations.
So you don’t have to worry about useless vertex editing, and it’s guaranteed to be compatible with Expressive Facial Animation.
The added Racemenu morph has a hyphenated name like «Lip-Height» and can be searched with «EFM».

This mod is for players and does not affect NPCs.
Basically NPC faces use pre-made meshes and are not generated in real time.

Racemenu is required to use all functions, if you don’t use it, please disable Expressive Facegen Morphs.esp.

The main file «Expressive Facegen Morphs» is for new presets.
This file contains the Charagen and Race morphs, additional Racemenu sliders, meshes, etc.
Please back up your face data (save, preset, mesh, etc.) in advance as it is not compatible with existing presets.

Please use mod manager to install this mod. Manual installation is not recommended.
This mod’s esp is an empty plugin so you don’t have to worry about the loading order, but be sure to enable it.
Be careful not to overwrite EFM morphs (.tri) with other mods, as file conflicts can cause clipping.

Читайте также:  штрих код нидерландов на товарах

Please delete or disable this mod. The face will be reconstructed with the morphs before installation.
If you have a preset that you backed up before installation, load it.

Expressive Facial Animation ( Female  / Male )
Bijin skin UNP and CBBE by rxkx22
Fine Face Textures for Men by urshi

This mod is for Racemenu and does not work with ECE.
The main file replaces Charagen and Race morphs, so it’s not compatible with existing faces and presets.
It is designed to work with the included meshes and morphs, so be careful of overwriting files.

The morphs in this mod are for vanilla head mesh, they don’t work with different meshes like Citrus Heads or High Poly Heads.
Currently there are no plans to support different meshes.

When using it with a mod that replaces Charagen or Race morphs such as EEO, use EFM-Racemenu Plugin instead of the main file.
It is possible to overwrite with the EFM main file, but clipping will occur if other mods have their own morph file.
If the other mods only use their own morphs, there is no conflict.

About Mesh
The mesh included in this mod is a vanilla mesh with UV maps and shader flags adjusted.

Do not install Enhanced Female Head Mesh, Eyes AO Clipping Fix and similar mods when using EFM main file.
The EFM main file includes a mouth mesh and texture, but if you want to use any other mouth mod, delete or disable the EFM file or overwrite it with another mod. The EFM mouth mesh does not match other textures because the UV map has been edited to match the included texture.

About Makeup
Since the UV map of the head mesh has been fixed, the thin line makeup may be broken.
Please understand that it is the result of considering deformation so that it is not stretched as much as possible.

About Vampire
Vampire morph face shape changes have been removed.
Vampire tooth morphs have been added instead.
Separately, a vampire morph for Racemenu has been added.
Therefore, you do not need a mod to make the same changes.

About Race MOD
Basic morph replacements may not be compatible with race mods. See compatibility above for reasons.
Morphs for the Racemenu will work if the mod uses a vanilla face mesh.
If you don’t see the Racemenu morph in the list, you need to register your race in Races.ini for this mod.
Data\meshes\actors\character\facegenmorphs\Expressive Facegen Morphs.esp\races.ini

Q : When I installed this mod, my preset was messed up.
The main file replaces Charagen and Race morphs so the presets will give different results.
Therefore, the main file is for new presets or presets that use them.
If you just want to add a slider to the Racemenu, use only EFM-Racemenu Pluguin.

Q : I want to reset the sculpt when creating a new preset.
Press the Z key on the sculpt screen.
The one selected in the checkbox at the right end of the head part pane is reset.

Q : Clipping occurred on the player’s eyebrows and beard.
In most cases, it is due to a file conflict with other mods, so please check.
If the mod’s eyebrows etc. refer to a unique morph, clipping will occur because the transformations do not match.
Also, sculpting may be the cause, check that the vertices of the eyebrows and face are not misaligned.


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Expressive Facegen Morphs SE

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Uploaded by

Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

This mod replaces the morphs for the vanilla human and elf character creations and adds a morph for Racemenu.

Nexus requirements

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

The permissions section has been made a little stricter as it is often ignored.
If there are any unclear points, please contact me.

Do not include EFM morph files (.tri) in your mods under any circumstances.
NPC mods (followers, NPC overhaul, etc.) do not need to include EFM morph files.
EFM’s mouth texture is from Fair Skin, please read Fair Skin’s permissions section if you want to use it.

please contact me in advance if you want to create a new file using EFM.
You don’t need to contact me, for Facegen meshes used by NPC mods (followers, NPC overhaul, etc.).

File credits

RaceMenu by Expired

Fair Skin Complexion by HHaleyy

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Version 1.0

I use machine translation. Please do not use slang etc for messages addressed to me, please write concise sentences.
The sample images were taken with Oldrim.

Oldrim version is here

Morph files (.tri) are used to move each vertex of the target mesh and are used for character creation and facial expressions.
This mod replaces the morphs for human and elf character creation and adds more sliders to the Racemenu.
This will improve the quality of character creation with vanilla meshes and improve the usability of the Racemenu.
The target races are Nord, Imperial, Breton, Redguard, Elder, High Elves, Dark Elves, Wood Elves, and Dremora.

The morphs in this mod are designed to be deformed smoothly and will not break the mesh structure even in complex combinations.
So you don’t have to worry about useless vertex editing, and it’s guaranteed to be compatible with Expressive Facial Animation.
The added Racemenu morph has a hyphenated name like «Lip-Height» and can be searched with «EFM».

This mod is for players and does not affect NPCs.
Basically NPC faces use pre-made meshes and are not generated in real time.

Racemenu is required to use all functions, if you don’t use it, please disable Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl.

The main file «Expressive Facegen Morphs» is for new presets.
This file contains the Charagen and Race morphs, additional Racemenu sliders, meshes, etc.
Please back up your face data (save, preset, mesh, etc.) in advance as it is not compatible with existing presets.

Please use mod manager to install this mod. Manual installation is not recommended.
This mod’s esl is an empty plugin so you don’t have to worry about the loading order, but be sure to enable it.
Be careful not to overwrite EFM morphs (.tri) with other mods, as file conflicts can cause clipping.

Читайте также:  серная кислота код оон

Please delete or disable this mod. The face will be reconstructed with the morphs before installation.
If you have a preset that you backed up before installation, load it.

Expressive Facial Animation ( Female / Male )
Bijin skin UNP and CBBE SE by rxkx22 and Shiva182
Fine Face Textures for Men SSE by urshi

This mod is for Racemenu and does not work with ECE.
The main file replaces Charagen and Race morphs, so it’s not compatible with existing faces and presets.
It is designed to work with the included meshes and morphs, so be careful of overwriting files.

The morphs in this mod are for vanilla head mesh, they don’t work with different meshes like Citrus Heads or High Poly Heads.
Currently there are no plans to support different meshes.

When using it with a mod that replaces Charagen or Race morphs such as EEO, use EFM-Racemenu Plugin instead of the main file.
It is possible to overwrite with the EFM main file, but clipping will occur if other mods have their own morph file.
If the other mods only use their own morphs, there is no conflict.

About Mesh
The mesh included in this mod is a vanilla mesh with UV maps and shader flags adjusted.

The rough changes of the mesh are as follows.
femalehead.nif : UV map (fix the eyes and nose)
mouthhuman(f).nif : An upgraded version of the EFA mouth, with a vanilla mesh adjusted for the Fair Skin mouth texture.

Do not install Enhanced Female Head Mesh, Eyes AO Clipping Fix and similar mods when using EFM main file.
The EFM main file includes a mouth mesh and texture, but if you want to use any other mouth mod, delete or disable the EFM file or overwrite it with another mod. The EFM mouth mesh does not match other textures because the UV map has been edited to match the included texture.

About Makeup
Since the UV map of the face mesh has been fixed, the thin line makeup may be broken.
Please understand that it is the result of considering deformation so that it is not stretched as much as possible.

About Vampire
Vampire morph face shape changes have been removed.
Vampire tooth morphs have been added instead.
Separately, a vampire morph for Racemenu has been added.
Therefore, you do not need a mod to make the same changes.

About Race MOD
Basic morph replacements may not be compatible with race mods. See compatibility above for reasons.
Morphs for the Racemenu will work if the mod uses a vanilla face mesh.
If you don’t see the Racemenu morph in the list, you need to register your race in Races.ini for this mod.
Data\meshes\actors\character\facegenmorphs\Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl\races.ini

Q : When I installed this mod, my preset was messed up.
The main file replaces Charagen and Race morphs so the presets will give different results.
Therefore, the main file is for new presets or presets that use them.
If you just want to add a slider to the Racemenu, use only EFM-Racemenu Pluguin.

Q : I want to reset the sculpt when creating a new preset.
Press the Z key on the sculpt screen.
The one selected in the checkbox at the right end of the head part pane is reset.

Q : Clipping occurred on the player’s eyebrows and beard.
In most cases, it is due to a file conflict with other mods, so please check.
If the mod’s eyebrows etc. refer to a unique morph, clipping will occur because the transformations do not match.
Also, sculpting may be the cause, check that the vertices of the eyebrows and face are not misaligned.


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(Now High Poly) RaceMenu Presets for Expressive Facegen Morphs

File information

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Original upload

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Uploaded by

Virus scan

Tags for this mod

About this mod

The «mod» provides 26 high poly female nord RaceMenu presets for use with Expressive Facegen Morphs by Niroku.

Nexus requirements

Off-site requirements

Credits and distribution permission

Author notes

Just credit me, that’s all. Or don’t, it’s not like I care or it matters or anything. It’s literally just face presets, why would anyone bother.

File credits

expired6978, Niroku, rxkx22, Kalilies, Stealthic, DomainWolf, LogRaam, HelloSanta, Hvergelmir, Oaristys, Maevan2

Donation Points system

This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points

Version Version

Version LastOne

I mean, you know what it is, I don’t need to expand further on the usage. Literally just RaceMenu presets, no more than that.

Let’s just scour through the requirements real quick.

I should say that I recommend downloading every mentioned mod whether you decide to download my presets or not, because all of these mods are great.

All the following ones aren’t technically necessary, but they were used during the creation process. Provided you’ve installed them all, every preset will look exactly like they do in my game (on the screenshots as well).

The ones used for every preset:
KS Hairdos Renewal by Kalilies and Stealthic
Bijin Skin by rxkx22 (ported to SE by Shiva182) — plus makeup here
These need no introduction.

Additional soft requirements:
The Witcher 3 Eyes by Oaristys
The Eyes Of Beauty by LogRaam (ported to SE by docteure)
Maevan2’s Eyebrows by Maevan2 (ported to SE by Shiva182)
Brows by Hvergelmir (ported to SE by Ithot)
SG Female Eyebrows by HelloSanta (ported to SE by Senturos)
Skin Feature Overlays by DomainWolf

Just get all these, you won’t regret it.

By the way, it literally doesn’t matter how the preset files are called, it’s mostly done for navigation’s sake. You can rename the files in whatever you want, and the name of your character will obviously be determined by what you entered when asked after closing Character Creation Menu. Also, if you happen to already have some presets with the same names, these will overwrite them, so be careful.

Of course, you are free to make any adjustments you wish.

Any mod manager will do.

F. A. Q.
Q: Followers?


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